I should be more bothered but if labour had got in it'd just be "meet the new boss same as the old boss" as far as I'm concerned. Just a two party system equally as bad as each other.
Would rather a party got in that had the majority and enough seats and that's happened those coalitions are fucking scandalous.. it's ruined the libs by the look of it..
Quote: haxby wrote in post #3I should be more bothered but if labour had got in it'd just be "meet the new boss same as the old boss" as far as I'm concerned. Just a two party system equally as bad as each other.
^^^^ Couldn't have put it better myself
If they haven't got there hands in the till, there down a minors shorts or knickers
Hitting the most vulnerable in life bedroom tax,cutting nhs the list goes on am working class northern lad will always vote labour the rich getting richer another five years of cuts&peolpe losing these jobs very sad
Quote: dream attack wrote in post #12Hitting the most vulnerable in life bedroom tax,cutting nhs the list goes on am working class northern lad will always vote labour the rich getting richer another five years of cuts&peolpe losing these jobs very sad
'Hitting the most vulnerable in life bedroom tax'
Fat cunts who have never done a days work in their worthless lives, being made to get off their lard arses and find work? Families living in high rise flats, whilst folks living in 3 bedroom houses protest to live there, because they always have done.
'cutting nhs'
Getting rid of overpaid managers
I too class myself as working class, bought up on a council estate, old fella worked in a foundry whilst Mom cleaned in the evening to put food on the table for 4 kids.
Will always be Labour up here.. One thing I will say about the Tories is that they have started to tackle the ridiculous scenario of being better off on the dole then you would be working... Am working class and it boils my blood
I'm not very politically minded and don't get into it too much but didn't labour stop being the party of the working man when Blair (the cunt) got in, made a fuckng mnt for himself and his crone of a wife.
If I'm wrong I don't care btw that's just my opinion :)
Quote: haxby wrote in post #20I'm not very politically minded and don't get into it too much but didn't labour stop being the party of the working man when Blair (the cunt) got in, made a fuckng mnt for himself and his crone of a wife.
If I'm wrong I don't care btw that's just my opinion :)
I think you've nailed it their mate!
And that cunt Bliar is still making millions, one of them, get this ....as a Middle East peace adviser!!!!
I used to drive through an estate on the way to work 7 in the morning not a light switched on in any house.. lazy sponging cunts who have no intention of changing any party that makes it harder for them gets my vote from what I have seen and lived through Labour put us in this predicament..if am wrong am wrong but that's the way I see it.
Quote: haxby wrote in post #20I'm not very politically minded and don't get into it too much but didn't labour stop being the party of the working man when Blair (the cunt) got in, made a fuckng mnt for himself and his crone of a wife.
If I'm wrong I don't care btw that's just my opinion :)
Labour has been controlled by the right-wing since the Militant witch-hunt under Kinnock. However, it is still a party based on the unions - the political arm of the Labour Movement.
The Tories, bosses, media want the right-wing careerists to maintain control of the party. They rightly fear a Labour Party with a left programme as we could see a repeat of what has happened in Scotland. I believe Labour would have won a clear majority with a left programme. Opinion polls show mass support for nationalisation of the railways, energy and Royal Mail etc. It's worth noting left Labour MP's like Meacher, McDonnell and Corbyn increased their vote.
Quote: haxby wrote in post #20I'm not very politically minded and don't get into it too much but didn't labour stop being the party of the working man when Blair (the cunt) got in, made a fuckng mnt for himself and his crone of a wife.
If I'm wrong I don't care btw that's just my opinion :)
Labour has been controlled by the right-wing since the Militant witch-hunt under Kinnock. However, it is still a party based on the unions - the political arm of the Labour Movement.
The Tories, bosses, media want the right-wing careerists to maintain control of the party. They rightly fear a Labour Party with a left programme as we could see a repeat of what has happened in Scotland. I believe Labour would have won a clear majority with a left programme. Opinion polls show mass support for nationalisation of the railways, energy and Royal Mail etc. It's worth noting left Labour MP's like Meacher, McDonnell and Corbyn increased their vote.
How can that party relate to you? Run by old Etonians who will sell off our national institutions to make their mates millions makes me sick.
The electorate is too thick to see past the media spin and the lies they feed us.
The mess Labour put us in? You are aware the conservatives backed Labour's spending up till 2010.
Problem with this nation is the selfishness of our society the I'm alright jack attitude. They've made us hate our own and public lap it up. Brain dead.