Quote: RVP's Left Foot wrote in post #3Don't think Apollo 11 and astronauts ever landed on the moon. US propaganda. They reckon it was shot in a film studio.
One of the biggest hoaxes in history.
It's a fun theory, but do you really think you could silence everyone involved for 40+ years? Don't you think the Russians or other US enemies might have pointed it out at some point?
Plenty of 3rd party evidence out there to support the fact we've been up to the moon and left stuff there too. All you need is a giant fricking laser and you can prove it for yourself:
Quote: JamesC wrote in post #7So they went to the moon, but faked the footage anyway?
You might want to follow the advice on your avatar!
Yeah admit does not sound right but NASA would not have risked the public humiliation of astronauts crashing to their deaths on the Moon, broadcast on live TV. So the footage was filmed before the mission in a studio.
Well, I tell them there's no problem Only solutions