As a follow on from the " Are you where you hoped to be " thread which proved to be a decent thread, I thought I'd move it on a notch with what many will see as a million dollar question to be fair.
Now I'm not one for spending too long reminiscing but its good to have a quiet moment now and again and then you start thinking towards what the future holds and more importantly for me what the future holds for my kids. Obviously things are not great out there at present ( although some clowns seem to think we are coming out of recession !!! ) and its difficult to see how things will improve in the short term. Now I appreciate certain regions are in a better state than others but I know for a fact my neck of the woods is on its arse and its difficult to see how things will improve tbh. I would'nt want to be leaving school/college/uni and looking for work in N Lincs these days thats for sure. I would like to think in 10 years time things will be much better and the present doom and gloom is a long distant memory, hopefully as I approach 50 the mortgage will be well on its way, we'll be comfortable and more importantly all our health is in tact becuase without that everything else is pretty much irrelevant. Not gonna get too hung up on retirement, its too far in advance to bother me! I'm hopeful my two daughters will be employed and importantly enjoying work in their chosen field ( assuming they are working and hopefully doing something they want to do ) and as for the little man , well he'll only have been at secondary school a year so I'm not even gonna think about that.
I can tell you exactly where our lass would like us to be. Me personaly aslong as the familys well and were finacially comfortable ill be more than happy. I dont want for much in life (although being on a forum focused on high end garments might tell you different)
6 months in Thornton, Fife. The other 6 months in Aracaju, Brazil
Was speaking about this to my wife just a few months back. I really don't see me living in the UK in 10 years time. My mortgage will be paid off and my son will be 27 and hopefully set up financially. We had a holiday in Croatia recently and fell in love with the place, I really could see myself living there.
This did make me chuckle, all the doom and gloom regarding the UK above and then this !! Fair play to you mate !!
I'll be 29, in the way of settling down etc I suppose thats when you start to think towards that if you haven't already !! I'd liked to of travelled, I dont want to take a gap year or any of that shit i just want to use my degree for what its worth !! I'd like to have a job that allows me to live a good standard of life, where I'll be living, god knows !! Would like to live in the south but nontheless there are brilliant parts of the north/midlands !! Cant see myself living in Walsall for the rest of my life, but you never know !! Moving away to Uni (although i wasn't a massive fan) opened my eyes to the fact alot of people around me will never ever consider moving away from the local area, the first school i went to was full of kids who had never got out into the big wide world, and im sure 3 years on they still haven't !!
Financially stable with an owned house is my target i guess. The rest, what will be will be.
Had another thought about this just after seeing some Facebook status', Id fucking love a job that i love, one i dont mind/quite like doing it, i bet if you asked people if they enjoy their job honestly the percentage that hate their job would be staggering !! Get a job you love and you'll never work another day. What a saying that is.
Hopefully by then I'll have published at least two books and have a reasonably secure job in a top tier university and working as a freelance consultant on foreign/energy policy. I'll have seen Hibs win the Scottish Cup and Millwall will still be playing in S/E London. I'd also hope that my family set up will go form strength to strength.
In truth I may be touting around my work to publishers while flitting from job to job. Hibs will be 120 years since their last scottish cup win and Millwall will be playing in Kent. Hopefully I'l still have my bird and she'll still have her figure though.