Can't beat it mate, up at 5 every morning, well that is a part from Sunday's [crazy]. Out with the dog and it feels like the whole world belongs to us.
I leave at 6:30 each morning and back home by 4, love the hours I do, love the summer and crisper mornings, miss all the traffic there and back, ace. And today I'm having my last bacon sausage and tomato sandwich in the morning, a sad day.
A day that I can only make better by creeping into the female toilets and having a crafty wank in one of the cubicles.
Quote: Turtle wrote in post #6I leave at 6:30 each morning and back home by 4, love the hours I do, love the summer and crisper mornings, miss all the traffic there and back, ace. And today I'm having my last bacon sausage and tomato sandwich in the morning, a sad day.
A day that I can only make better by creeping into the female toilets and having a crafty wank in one of the cubicles.
Whist scoffing your sarnie?
"Do you want sauce on that love"..........."No thanks, i'll supply my own"
Half 5 for me everyday, then an hours drive or if I can bare the train (like today) its a 1.5 hour commute.
I've not been able to lie in for years now. Saturdays and Sundays up at the crack of dawn still, only getting plastered the night before keeps me in bed past 7am
When I was in printing, 4-40am get ups. Now 7-00am when I m working, 7-45am when I m not(school run). Days off around 9-30-10-00am, used to be nearer mid day when I used to go on the lash...
like to be up early in my time off , like to walk the dogs over the field when no one is around , Staffies have a tendency to empty a field quite quickly .. not often , but sometimes see a milkman on his float , getting rarer and rarer these days ..
Get up at 6/7 most mornings but generally don't sleep until after midnight. Used to work in an industrial bakery and started between 4 and 6 most days. Ended up seeing some right sights when I was walking to work in the morning. Mind of this massive fella shadow boxing in the middle of the road. naturally I thought I was in trouble but he looked over smiled, waved and shouted "facking luverly morning mate" and carried on. Also used to see the same few punters who were leaving at the same time - everyone seemed a lot friendlier at that hour if I'm being honest