Time for a clearout, quite a bit what didn't even know had and nice staple pieces from past and present seasons. Right then, First up FOLK jacket , forget the name but stunning all the same, I just have too many navy jackets, comes complete with removable inner gillet which is sky blue in colour with check stitching, pics on request, unique fastening on gillet and can be worn alone. Side adjusters on outer jacket. Very smart work wear inspired. Size 4 £85 delivered for the both.
Fjall Raven Check shirt, hidden side seam pockets , lined and discreet fox branding 23" pit £13 delivered Uk
Barbour Classic check, signature tartan shirt, nice cotton on this 23" pit 15 delivered
Universal Works 100% wool cardigan, wooden buttons, Navy shawl collar 22" pit but got some give him it £20 delivered
Fjall Tshirt in plush red 21" pit £10 delivered
Garbstore multi pocket check shirt, large diagnol pockets , nice check design AW season Lovely colour mix 22.5" pit £20 delivered
Lacoste Sport check shirt, nice robust fabric, nice and thick, great check, logo to pocket 22.5" pit £15 delivered
Quote: OFFHand wrote in post #1Time for a clearout, quite a bit what didn't even know had and nice staple pieces from past and present seasons. Right then, First up FOLK jacket , forget the name but stunning all the same, I just have too many navy jackets, comes complete with removable inner gillet which is sky blue in colour with check stitching, pics on request, unique fastening on gillet and can be worn alone. Side adjusters on outer jacket. Very smart work wear inspired. Size 4 £85 delivered for the both.
Quote: Darton wrote in post #8Don't want to sell the folk gilet separate do ya Ja ?do you have the button flap that goes with it ... Saying that may be snug on me .....
I would mate but was selling cheep as a pair. The gillet was more expensive in the sale than what I got both up for. So depends on the price which I find difficult to price.