If you have an iPad, download the Atari app and you can buy the OG coin op version of Asteroids for 69p. There are others including Battlezone, Tempest and Breakout all available to have as a job lot.
Asteroids is arcade perfect and exactly as it was 32 years ago.
loved the games in 80's , remember jump bug about a beetle car that jumped on buildings had water stages too , Mr Do - dressed in pj's eating cherries then has cake killed monsters to spell extra for another life and a diamond gave extra game , star wars sit down game , track & field .. classic !!!!!!!
I remember when I was at school and the 'Tuck Shop' across the road from the school got a Phoenix machine in and one lad out of our year was a master on it. 10p used to last him all of the dinner break and about thirty others used to crowd around trying to watch him. Thought it was hard as fuck myself.