reached for the secret too soon, cried for the moon.
not now but last night i went through a lot of led zeppelins back catalogue after a few too many strongbows, air drumming like a fuckin mad man...!! <<<<fookin cracker this one!!!!!!!!
In a bit of a shoegazing mood at the moment.
lass in work is to blame for putting this in my head! think i might slap her actually.
DJ Freak Live @ North 3 Vs Tomorrows World ......
Bloods & Crips - Bangin' on wax.
Birmingham City Shit on the Villa
Just heard dead kennedys california uberalles on kerrang so just diving in collection to bang the album on,fking quality.................PUSB
the smiths-there is a light that never goes out,classic cool
Going to see him in concert next Thurday, can't wait!