Quote: Murf wrote in post #25I've got more chance of finding napoleons missing peeper than getting to this due to work but nice one Tez, well done for getting it together pal. Hope you lads have a good un and will look forward to the pics.
Shame you cant make it mate and cheers,just thought it was time to get summit sorted rather than talking about a meet. I,ll get a few pics so hope no one is camera shy
Quote: Murf wrote in post #25I've got more chance of finding napoleons missing peeper than getting to this due to work but nice one Tez, well done for getting it together pal. Hope you lads have a good un and will look forward to the pics.
Shame you cant make it and cheers mate,there was a lot of talk on here about having a meet so thought fuck it i,ll put a place and date up Oh there will be plenty of pics cos i,m a right David Bailey me,hope the lads arnt camera shy
Haha, you out yesterday Tez? Yeah agreed mate, it's about time we all got together. Work tends to slow down a bit for me towards October time so hope we can get another meet sorted for around then, be a good laugh.
Quote: Murf wrote in post #28Haha, you out yesterday Tez? Yeah agreed mate, it's about time we all got together. Work tends to slow down a bit for me towards October time so hope we can get another meet sorted for around then, be a good laugh.
No i stayed in but had a skinful and i,m paying for it today Aye will get summit sorted for a future date not sure about october though,as i,m doing a London meet on september20th
Quote: Donny. wrote in post #30I'm having my back operation on the 10th, will have a sicknote for a couple of week.
Trains are fairly cheap, just over £20rtn at the mo, but the last train back is 20:43, i'm 50/50.
Get on board Chris,the trains cheap enough and you,ve plenty of time for a session
All sorted now Tez.
Not sure if i'll be drinking like, depends how my op goes & whether i'll be taking tablets afterwards etc. Donny ain't announced a pre-season that day, so fuck em, Toon it is.
don't know if ive got that Saturday free yet if so coming up wi Timebomb off here...anyone else from yorks.... think its around 30 rtn on train from Leeds
Quote: frank cannon wrote in post #41 don't know if ive got that Saturday free yet if so coming up wi Timebomb off here...anyone else from yorks.... think its around 30 rtn on train from Leeds
Quote: Bill Murray wrote in post #45Day off today so went to Newcastle for a shop about.. Ended up sat in the Beehive most the day suppin 1.60 a pint exhibition ha
Ha,ha,cant go wrong at that price, mind i used to drink ex many moons ago and it used to send me loopy On another note there's a lad from Northallerton coming to the meet he's a big Darlo fan