yaaaaaaawn......same shit every year........... there are morons in every clubs support...... what exactly did you hear being yelled during the minutes silence ??? ....im at work and didn't see the game but ive asked a few friends who have said there was the odd noise but nothing to get excited about......possibly made from those outside the ground ????...... what is the fascination with the poppy these days and why are certain folk trying to enforce the wearing of it......its a choice thing not mandatory and not wearing one doesn't mean your being disrespectful....to try to force your opinion on someone else id disrespectful though don't you think..... why do you think Celtic don't wear the poppy btw...... ????? James Macleans reason for not wearing a poppy is here ... http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/footb...rt-9848447.html Have a wee look at this also...... http://quaer0.wordpress.com/2013/11/11/h...nows-no-bounds/ ....and before you get yer knickers in a twist I don't have any issue with those who do or don't wear a poppy....I donated to the poppy seller when I was coming out of ASDA the other day....I observed the minutes silence yesterday before our game (there was some noise but it was just folk coming into the ground who didn't know the minute had started,,,these things happen ye know....maybe this was what you heard at pittodrie ???) and im very grateful to the many many men who fought n died in the great war which I think was initially the war which the poppy commemorates ???.
To be clear I agree the people jeering the minutes silence are morons and unfortunately they let the rest of the decent fans down but the club is entitled to not wear the poppy and I don't have any problem with that.
Quote: clyde wrote in post #4yaaaaaaawn......same shit every year........... there are morons in every clubs support...... what exactly did you hear being yelled during the minutes silence ??? ....im at work and didn't see the game but ive asked a few friends who have said there was the odd noise but nothing to get excited about......possibly made from those outside the ground ????...... what is the fascination with the poppy these days and why are certain folk trying to enforce the wearing of it......its a choice thing not mandatory and not wearing one doesn't mean your being disrespectful....to try to force your opinion on someone else id disrespectful though don't you think..... why do you think Celtic don't wear the poppy btw...... ????? James Macleans reason for not wearing a poppy is here ... http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/footb...rt-9848447.html Have a wee look at this also...... http://quaer0.wordpress.com/2013/11/11/h...nows-no-bounds/ ....and before you get yer knickers in a twist I don't have any issue with those who do or don't wear a poppy....I donated to the poppy seller when I was coming out of ASDA the other day....I observed the minutes silence yesterday before our game (there was some noise but it was just folk coming into the ground who didn't know the minute had started,,,these things happen ye know....maybe this was what you heard at pittodrie ???) and im very grateful to the many many men who fought n died in the great war which I think was initially the war which the poppy commemorates ???.
I agree with you on this one. Some right wingers have been naming and shaming shops who do not sell Poppies. Is it not someones right to sell or not sell. An OAP Poppy seller who was selling Poppies outside of a supermarket was wrongfully reported as not being allowed to sell inside by a right wing group. The truth was that he was given a choice of selling inside or outside. He chose to sell outside due to more people passing by him. It is being used as a propaganda tool by some which takes it away from what it is all about..
A spokesperson for The Royal British Legion said:
“The Legion never insists that anyone wear the poppy or support the Poppy Appeal. We believe firmly that wearing the poppy must be a matter of free and individual choice. The charity also vigorously defends the poppy and the Poppy Appeal from political exploitation by any partisan organisation and we disown such “naming and shaming” behaviour.
“The Legion is very grateful to the many shops and commercial enterprises which allow poppies to be distributed and collections to be taken on their private property or inside their trading premises. However, we never insist upon such permissions. Neither would we coerce businesses into allowing collections on their premises. And, under no circumstances, would the Legion support any boycott or public “naming and shaming” of traders who choose not to or are unable to support the Appeal.”
Quote: Leonard Osbourne wrote in post #7Celtic don't wear the poppy because they are cunts
Couldn't agree more
Is there a reason you think they are cunts ???....or are you just a bigot ???
Go to the top of this thread and you'll see one of the reasons I think there cunts,
it seems to be one way traffic with you squire.... You don't seem to be taking in anything anyone else posts..... Were you at the game ....did you hear this booing and jeering for yourself......did you hear it on tv....did the cameras pan in on a large group jeering.....or ....... Could it have been one or two arseholes.....were they even in the ground.....was it even people making normal noise as you do at a game and being picked up by the microphones because the place was silent....I said in my earlier post that you never read that there were a few shouting and singing coming into the ground at our game yesterday as they were unaware a minutes silence had started......people have a drink and a bit of a sing song at the fitba ye know...... I spoke to a few folk today who said the occasional noise could be heard in the background during the silence....nothing major....who it was or what the actual noise was no one knew.....can you say for sure that this was a some sort of protest against a minutes silence by Celtic fans as opposed to (if indeed it did happen at all) one or two fannies being fannies....... You just want everyone to think the whole Celtic end was shouting and screaming during the silence....... It just didn't happen
Saw a vid earlier on YouTube ....one or two idiots....every support has them and they've been denounced by the fans and club alike....99.9% respected the silence.
Quote: clyde wrote in post #21Such a bitter boy..... I can imagine you'd be a great role model for future generations.... Maybe one day we'll be able to ditch Scotland's burden.
You Lot had your chance to ditch any burden, but fucked it up...freedom be fucked
Quote: clyde wrote in post #21Such a bitter boy..... I can imagine you'd be a great role model for future generations.... Maybe one day we'll be able to ditch Scotland's burden.
You Lot had your chance to ditch any burden, but fucked it up...freedom be fucked
Not quite sure of the relevance but well leave it at that Leo eh.
Quote: clyde wrote in post #21Such a bitter boy..... I can imagine you'd be a great role model for future generations.... Maybe one day we'll be able to ditch Scotland's burden.
You Lot had your chance to ditch any burden, but fucked it up...freedom be fucked
Not quite sure of the relevance but well leave it at that Leo eh.
My mate is a Celtic fan & he was at the game he supports them for football reasons & he was disgusted by the ira songs sung during the minutes silence & during the game. As for the poppy I agree people don't have to wear or buy them but it would have been a good gesture on celtics part to just wear one on there shirts for 90 minutes.