Any lads off of here follow either of these clubs? I decided to take the trip up to Curzon Ashton's ground last night to watch the cup replay. A 4 1/2 hour round trip for a cold Tuesday night to watch a game I couldn't give two hoots about is mad, I know. Fair few very well dressed lads knocking about though I must say, wether they were Chorley or FC I don't know??
#6 | RE: FCUM/ChorleyThu Jan 15, 2015 1:44 pm (Last edited: Thu Jan 15, 2015 1:50 pm)
i go watching chorley mate, couldn't make it tuesday but went to the saturday game. Most of our older lot are lads who used to go utd/blackburn/preston but follow non league nowadays. A lot of the fc lads also go on Utd. There was a bit of trouble on saturday with fc and leeds who decided to have a drink in chorley before the bolton game.