flying to birmingham weekend after next (6-8/11), will be there from friday-sunday.. am hoping to get some good food and perhaps if possible watch some football nearby. I haven't been for about 3 years, haven't been able to get tickets for the away game at old trafford, so was maybe looking at some lower league games in or near (1-1.5 in train) Birmingham. Don't know much about tickets for league 1 etc. games - is it possible just to show up on match day and pay the entrance?
any tips greatly appreciated! thanks
The category of the prosumer commodity does not signify a democratization of the media towards participatory systems, but the total commodification of human creativity
There's a few decent boozers opened up since your last visit, The Botanist in Temple Street...loads of fanny The Post Office Vaults, The Bureau and Bar Opus all close to Snow Hill station, as for a good grub guide I ain't got a clue.....who wants to go to a boozer to eat!
Opus has a restaurant aswell. Its ok apparently. The Lost and Found is ok for a drink near The Botanist. Plenty of decent bars around the area Tone has mentioned. Adam's is a great place if you like michelin starred stuff, although the wife preferred Purnell's. Coventry v northampton Walsall v Fleetwood You will have no problem paying on the gate for either of these. Walsall will be easier to get to as after spending millions on a train station to the cov ground, they won't allow trains to stop there.
cheers for the advice! walsall looks interesting. haven't been to football in the uk for some time. apparently we'll be staying in "gay village"
The category of the prosumer commodity does not signify a democratization of the media towards participatory systems, but the total commodification of human creativity
Quote: wbacph wrote in post #5cheers for the advice! walsall looks interesting. haven't been to football in the uk for some time. apparently we'll be staying in "gay village"
If your down there Tone will be able to buy you a cocktail
Quote: beduth jase wrote in post #4Opus has a restaurant aswell. Its ok apparently. Walsall v Fleetwood You will have no problem paying on the gate for either of these.
Opus is the best non starred place in brum IMO...Catering for that market anyway, been to a few in the JQ and they dont quite cut it how Opus does. They do a decent priced lunch menu too.
Haha no mate you wont have no trouble for that!!
If you come make sure you sit in the tile choice stand! (Upper, middle or lower)
Quote: wbacph wrote in post #5cheers for the advice! walsall looks interesting. haven't been to football in the uk for some time. apparently we'll be staying in "gay village"
You'll be near new St, if you fancy Cov or Walsall you'll have to get a train from New St.
New St to Bescot Stadium is about 25 mins direct and trains are every half-hour....come out the station and the ground is right opposite you. Dont leave brum until about 2 oclock as around the ground is crap.
Quote: beduth jase wrote in post #4Opus has a restaurant aswell. Its ok apparently. Walsall v Fleetwood You will have no problem paying on the gate for either of these.
Opus is the best non starred place in brum IMO...Catering for that market anyway, been to a few in the JQ and they dont quite cut it how Opus does. They do a decent priced lunch menu too.
Haha no mate you wont have no trouble for that!!
If you come make sure you sit in the tile choice stand! (Upper, middle or lower)