Got home from work today and my mrs said she wanted to talk to me,thought shit thats rare wtf is going on,is she leaving me?someone died etc and then it got worse she said she did some washing told me my last 2 si jumpers were in the wash,i could feel the rage starting to build when she showed me,omg now they looked as tho they belonged to action man,couldnt even get my head through so now gutted,had moved away from si and these were my last 2 fave jumpers so gutted...
So maybe on the lookout in the near future if anyone has some knitwear maybe si to sell
Thx mate not even sure how the fuk she did it,mustve done it a hundered times,wot pissed me off even more when she said ill just pop into town and pick you up a couple of plain jumper,wtf she thinks this stuff was bought in primark,maybe was hacked off at the jackets coming thru the post,maybe thought didnt need any jumpers grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Rant over approx size 21/22 psp,,prefer quarter buttoned or cardy,fussy i know,,cheers mate.......
Not good, know the feeling, I remember when my missus used to regular wash my stuff and shrink it, But she hid it from me and with me not knowing what was going on or having too many clothes didnt really question where these items where going, until one day I came across a couple of what can only be described as you say action man outfits and realised what had happened. Missus owned saying "O yeah that was ages ago and didnt want to tell you, besides you got too many clothes" She doesnt put no washing in now of mine,
Happens to us all on occassion. Other clothing disasters: putting an iron through a ralph lauren shirt and putting a used iron in the back of the car on top of a cashmere barbour scarf.
Well I hope she has a couple of Black eyes at the very least, mine did it many years ago with an Osti double use. It was a beauty as well and it took me ages to get over it............
Mines golden..... hand washes everything .... scrubs trainers weekly with her own pantene, even scrubs the soles and says look at them to me thier like new so i can inspect them.... runs to dry cleaners and pays weekly for my coats after wearing them each time OR she knows its BISH BASH FOOOKIN BOSH Grow a pair ya soft bastards and put her in place !!! PLENTY MORE OUT THERE LADS !!!
no it aint lol and its 16 years younger...... nawty boyyyyyy lol get 1 young and train it right ffs get a grip man remeber i am 37 lol so yea she is 21 so no comment on that lol
Im the was the other way once at two points in my life 19 and she 36 and then 34 and she was 50 what the fuck was i thinking, much prefer Zulu's stats mind
got a black si knit quarter zip high neck,sure its about that in size, if thats any good to you?? know how you feel right now it a trade mark thing with my other half and washing
[quote="OFFHand"]Remind me when i shrink all my Cabourn gear lads, And you can chuck it all my way you hospitable bunch : tips hat :[/quote]
Ermmmmmmm wise to use a dry cleaners maybe i`m only after 2 empty shoe boxes and not even 1 tight git has offered me 1 for a price the miserable bunch of : throws hat up wall
Lets fast forward 8/10 years and imagine the conversations, just found a shrunk cameraman what the missus hid, fookinh lovely jacket, a classic, anyone want it??????? mind you cant wash the fuckers so fat chance of it happening is there matey
[quote="a-casual-zulu"]no it aint lol and its 16 years younger...... nawty boyyyyyy lol get 1 young and train it right ffs get a grip man remeber i am 37 lol so yea she is 21 so no comment on that lol [/quote]
craddle robber :P
They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works, every time.
[quote="jurrosufc"][quote="a-casual-zulu"]no it aint lol and its 16 years younger...... nawty boyyyyyy lol get 1 young and train it right ffs get a grip man remeber i am 37 lol so yea she is 21 so no comment on that lol [/quote]
craddle robber :P[/quote]
Excellent, thats the age range I'm looking for 20'ish. Heres my funny advert.... Looking for a Female 19-24 must be pretty, rich (solvent), go like the clappers and must have her own teeth. I haven't had much luck with it yet.
"Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten" – Gucci Family Slogan.
[quote="poppasmurf"][quote="jurrosufc"][quote="a-casual-zulu"]no it aint lol and its 16 years younger...... nawty boyyyyyy lol get 1 young and train it right ffs get a grip man remeber i am 37 lol so yea she is 21 so no comment on that lol [/quote]
craddle robber :P[/quote]
Excellent, thats the age range I'm looking for 20'ish. Heres my funny advert.... Looking for a Female 19-24 must be pretty, rich (solvent), go like the clappers and must have her own teeth.
Just go out and and grab 1... kidnap it and train it !!! luv the advert tho... think u shud tweak it though and say init... instead of go like the clappers just put let me ram and smash her back doors in when i feel like it I haven't had much luck with it yet.[/quote]