I'm 19 just turned so i'm on there yes, i had it when i left school mainly because everyone has got it who's my age now.
I can understand why some of the older fellas on here would find it tedious and pointless but i thyink it's ok to browse if your bored, i rarely use it for keeping in touch with people as i don't talk to half of the people i have on it, but it's good for a laugh.
Near enough everyone my age i know is on it but i dont get it at all, if i want to talk to someone ill call/text them Anyone i really wanted to keep in touch with i would have.
I think it serves it purpose if your wanting to promote an event or something in your city. spreads the word, from a personal level tend not too really use it, unless promoting something or other.
never been on, never will...prefer speaking with family and friends face to face, preferably over a beer....as for people from school/the past if their numbers not in me phone or i dont see them, its for a good a reason!!
Anyone who needs a vessel to post up a request to all and sundry asking for help to solve the dilemma they're confounded with - e.g 'Hiya! Don't know what to have for me tea. Beans on toast or egg on toast? Whatcha' ya' fink? and then get some sort of self satisfaction when a collective of pond life respond in some way is seriously wrong. The demise of modern Civilisation will be traced back to the day Facebook went live.
On it myself but also find it very tedious... Like to update where I am in the country / world for mates and family but that's it aside from some good p**s taking :-) Personally feel it's "Brag book" for most - "I've got 6 million friends, I'm in this restaurant blah blah blah"
[quote="Bezz"]I'm 19 just turned so i'm on there yes, i had it when i left school mainly because everyone has got it who's my age now.
I can understand why some of the older fellas on here would find it tedious and pointless but i thyink it's ok to browse if your bored, i rarely use it for keeping in touch with people as i don't talk to half of the people i have on it, but it's good for a laugh.[/quote]
This actually. + getting known the girl you met last night.