My local's a good mix of old and young. The banter between the two is great entertainement. It's all down to a decent landlord knowing who to let in and who to tell they're not welcome. The only thing it lacks is real ale, but then if it did have I'd be in every night.
Zitat von jonahThe prince hal, used to be a cracking boozer now full of young lads out there head on sniff eyc not the place to take the mrs
nor any fooker not even ya dogs safe in the J infact there ain't a decent boozer anywhere near us, although had a woman at work told me yesterday that the chester arms has changed hands and is ok now, got rid of the scum that used to go there
my local is a right dump all ways has been and always will all it needs is sawdust on the floor to finish it off but have had some good nights but most off the boys have moved away so its full of heros now i like a nice quiet drink these days so have to venture a little further
I fucking love pubs and frequent this one almost exclusivly these days.
The Hawne Tavern In Halesowen
Proper back street boozer Real Ale Great crowd - self policed - no cunts alowed or tolerated Never hear the bell - I've staggered out of there at 6.00am on more than one occasion Gets the ash trays out now and again Decent prices Proper blokes pub with some fanny at the weekend
[quote="get the beer in"]Usually clock in my local around 2.30 on a saturday afternoon, and leave when the money runs out.
Worthies at 1.70, Strongbow 2.20 and draught Magners at 2.30 a pint. Usually hit the double red bulls and around ten, don't know the price of them just dig deep and pull out a note, which is always a bonus.
two locals...... one when i`m in farmers land where i live in Swindon THE SIR DAN and 1 back in BIRMINGHAMMMMMMM THE TROCADERO & fuk the one in Birmingham shits over any boozer down here !!!
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[quote="The Individual"][quote="get the beer in"]Usually clock in my local around 2.30 on a saturday afternoon, and leave when the money runs out.
Worthies at 1.70, Strongbow 2.20 and draught Magners at 2.30 a pint. Usually hit the double red bulls and around ten, don't know the price of them just dig deep and pull out a note, which is always a bonus.
Oh and the mixed grill curries are [/quote]
Sportsman or The Vine ? [/quote]
Close..........but no cigar.
Just off Spon Lane mate, 10 minute walk to the Sportsman, 15 to the Vine.............and around 30 to the Shrine.
not my local (i cant find a pic of it) but when i was in south uist working a couple of years ago there was a blow up pub it was like a bouncy castle but it had a real bar and bar stools etc!! i thought i was tripping
Never, ever, argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
haven't had a local now since we all had ban's from West Brom, we re-started down Wednesbury and now most are banned there so I just drink wherever we go now, StoneCross and The Tiger
haven't had a local now since we all had ban's from West Brom, we re-started down Wednesbury and now most are banned there so I just drink wherever we go now, StoneCross and The Tiger [/quote]
You've gone too far down Spon Lane mate. Turn into Sams Lane, Vauxhall garage on the corner, it's along there.
by no means the finest of drinking establishments but they do the trick, little carry on. then off into town usually the white rooms, great bar/club, great tunes and again a good mix get in.
reached for the secret too soon, cried for the moon.
[quote="Eddie Fiola"] Proper blokes pub with some fanny at the weekend[/quote]
You don't only go in on the weekends do you?
I've been drinking in my two locals for the last 20+ years (Non-alcoholic for the last 17) through different gaffers and various refurbishments. I work at The Swan on a Saturday night.
The Labour In Vain is my main local I would say. A good melting pot of different folks. You know were the landlady draws the line. And with both you can go in on a whim. And there's normally someone or other you'll know.
[quote]You've gone too far down Spon Lane mate. Turn into Sams Lane, Vauxhall garage on the corner, it's along there.[/quote]