off work this week so was looking forward to a few nice lie ins seen as I'm up at 4.45 every morning usually. Every morning wide awake 4.30 and before and just cant get back to sleep😦 so up same time as I am for work,but guarantee next fuckin Monday when that alarm goes off I will be knackered and feel like I could sleep for a fuckin week😄 Remember the days when first started working used to sleep my whole day off,,get up for some food then back to bed,they say you should have 6 to 8hrs a night sleep,lucky if I have 4 or 5,sign of getting older I suppose just wish sometimes I could have a nice 7 or 8 hours.
That is so true,on the very few occasions I have fell back to sleep ive woke up feeling like shit wishing I got up soon as i woke up,just dont know how the fuck I slept so much when I was young😃😃
Sorry To say gents but you do still need your sleep - The problem is your body is programmed for rising at a certain time by habit. You’re actually Better off getting up at the same time every day - you do feel worse if you have a lie in - there’s some science to that part but I can’t remember it.
The solution is, if you want more sleep you have to go to bed earlier And give up alcohol and caffeine and screens and artificial light 😂😂
Quote: Viktor Vaughn wrote in post #7By the way - up at 4:45 fuck that - are you a milk man?
No not a milk man😄make cadburys chocolate fingers work 12 hr shits 6 6 I've tried the early to bed lark,just wake up earlier its a fuckin nightmare. I know we need our sleep and do have power naps here and there usually when I get in from work😄 but literally 20/30 mins. Agree what your saying though about your body just gets used to what time to wake up for work,just wish it fuckin knew when I was off 😦😃😃
Quote: Viktor Vaughn wrote in post #7By the way - up at 4:45 fuck that - are you a milk man?
No not a milk man😄make cadburys chocolate fingers work 12 hr shits 6 6 I've tried the early to bed lark,just wake up earlier its a fuckin nightmare. I know we need our sleep and do have power naps here and there usually when I get in from work😄 but literally 20/30 mins. Agree what your saying though about your body just gets used to what time to wake up for work,just wish it fuckin knew when I was off 😦😃😃
I’m a night owl so I’m fucked when it comes to sleep anyways. Don’t need to get up til 7 tho so it’s not too bad.
Absolutely nights really fucks you up,the engineers at my place do days and nights,sometimes they finish 6pm one day back in 6pm next day to do a night shift😦Absolutely shit really fuck your bodyclock that does