Government cutting almost 6,000 frontline Police Officers by 2015. In the wake of last years riots , how can this be a good thing ? All to save a few hundred million £'s .
Surely there must be better ways to cut the deficit , perhaps the hundreds of millions we give India & Pakistan ?
Quote: STEVECFC wrote in post #1Government cutting almost 6,000 frontline Police Officers by 2015. In the wake of last years riots , how can this be a good thing ? All to save a few hundred million £'s .
Surely there must be better ways to cut the deficit , perhaps the hundreds of millions we give India & Pakistan ?
Shocking but not a surprise, Osbourne and Cameron are utter clowns. As for the aid we give on the one hand I agree but on the other it'll be tied up with trade agreements so could be detrimental to the economy in the long run.
I thought the Police would be the only ones spared in the Public sector cut backs. I think there should be cuts as every one else is having them but in this case it is to much. What annoys me is we bailed the banks out and we had to but no one has been brought to account for the mess we are all in now.
Quote: Baz wrote in post #5I thought the Police would be the only ones spared in the Public sector cut backs. I think there should be cuts as every one else is having them but in this case it is to much. What annoys me is we bailed the banks out and we had to but no one has been brought to account for the mess we are all in now.
Its impossible to hold any individual to account 30 years of rampant neoliberalism and a reliance on casino banking. Unfortunately there seems to be a dearth of new ideas as to where we can go from here.
Quote: Baz wrote in post #5I thought the Police would be the only ones spared in the Public sector cut backs. I think there should be cuts as every one else is having them but in this case it is to much. What annoys me is we bailed the banks out and we had to but no one has been brought to account for the mess we are all in now.
Christ is that Tory Baz admitting the Cons have made a mistake? Never thought I'd see the day
Quote: STEVECFC wrote in post #7amazing how the bankers are seemingly untouchable - stinks to high Heaven ...
I heard someone yesterday describe this government as 'becoming Sinister' which I don't think is far off the truth.
they're managed to propagate the myth that the recession was the result of government spending rather than the private sector. Its ludicrous and lacks the support of any serious economist but a decent chunk of people lap it up. Truly bizarre.
Under this (and every Tory) government they are only after lining their own and their mates pockets.
Bits of this country of ours & its heritage will be continued to be sold of until we are nothing other than a stepping stone into Europe for the Chinese or Indians.
Quote: Wungit wrote in post #11Under this (and every Tory) government they are only after lining their own and their mates pockets.
Bits of this country of ours & its heritage will be continued to be sold of until we are nothing other than a stepping stone into Europe for the Chinese or Indians.
you could drop the word tory from that statement they are all as bad as each other......
all I hear on the TV is one party blaming the other. Like kids in a playground.
Quote: Baz wrote in post #5I thought the Police would be the only ones spared in the Public sector cut backs. I think there should be cuts as every one else is having them but in this case it is to much. What annoys me is we bailed the banks out and we had to but no one has been brought to account for the mess we are all in now.
Christ is that Tory Baz admitting the Cons have made a mistake? Never thought I'd see the day
.Just remember we had 14 years of Blair and Brown and the mess they left the country in will take some cleaning up. Even you and the rest of the commies must admit they left a big steaming pile of shit behing them. However with the riots last year I would not cut the Police as much as this if at all.
The trouble is we are still spending a lot more than we have and there are no easy solutions to this. All this was inherited from the last government if you remember. On that note I do not want Labour in again for a while.
Quote: STEVECFC wrote in post #7amazing how the bankers are seemingly untouchable - stinks to high Heaven ...
I heard someone yesterday describe this government as 'becoming Sinister' which I don't think is far off the truth.
they're managed to propagate the myth that the recession was the result of government spending rather than the private sector. Its ludicrous and lacks the support of any serious economist but a decent chunk of people lap it up. Truly bizarre.
It isn't a myth that it happened over 14 years of Labour government. While the global recession isn't directly Labours fault the over spending was and that is now part of the problem here in this country.
Quote: STEVECFC wrote in post #7amazing how the bankers are seemingly untouchable - stinks to high Heaven ...
I heard someone yesterday describe this government as 'becoming Sinister' which I don't think is far off the truth.
they're managed to propagate the myth that the recession was the result of government spending rather than the private sector. Its ludicrous and lacks the support of any serious economist but a decent chunk of people lap it up. Truly bizarre.
It isn't a myth that it happened over 14 years of Labour government. While the global recession isn't directly Labours fault the over spending was and that is now part of the problem here in this country.
Labour's spending only became unsustainable once the recession had taken hold. For the first 6 year of their governance Britain was running a budgetary surplus. For the next 4 the figures were comparable to the Tories from 1990 onwards and lower than most European countries. If you think that public sector spending was more culpable than neo-liberalism then you really have bought the tory line.
Quote: Chinese_alan wrote in post #16How many on here will admit to voting tory two years on ? .......Give it another two i bet 50% of proud tory voters in 2010 will be piping down.
There were only 30 odd percent of them then. The current government has no mandate/legitimacy. just shows how bad a politician Cameron is, he couldn't even gain a Parliamentary majority against one of the most unpopular PMs of modern times.
Quote: Chinese_alan wrote in post #16How many on here will admit to voting tory two years on ? .......Give it another two i bet 50% of proud tory voters in 2010 will be piping down.
Quote: STEVECFC wrote in post #7amazing how the bankers are seemingly untouchable - stinks to high Heaven ...
I heard someone yesterday describe this government as 'becoming Sinister' which I don't think is far off the truth.
they're managed to propagate the myth that the recession was the result of government spending rather than the private sector. Its ludicrous and lacks the support of any serious economist but a decent chunk of people lap it up. Truly bizarre.
It isn't a myth that it happened over 14 years of Labour government. While the global recession isn't directly Labours fault the over spending was and that is now part of the problem here in this country.
Labour's spending only became unsustainable once the recession had taken hold. For the first 6 year of their governance Britain was running a budgetary surplus. For the next 4 the figures were comparable to the Tories from 1990 onwards and lower than most European countries. If you think that public sector spending was more culpable than neo-liberalism then you really have bought the tory line.
I think the general public will suffer from any cut backs to police , in these times of economic crisis crime goes up , police are streached to breaking point as it is , as are the armed forces , just wait to the cuts kick in , if you think the UK is in the gutter now give it another few years, the worst has yet to come.
A Tory, blaming Labour for their own wrong doing.... Well i never!
Getting slightly old now isn't it?
You want to have a look at how fucked the country was in early to mid 90's, NHS (Just like the hospitals) crumbling, massive unemployment. Also want to look at all the good Labour did, The National Minimum Wage Act 1998 for one... Now imagine if that wasn't in now with the double dip recession? (First recession being due to global wrong doing and the second due to Tories cutting too fast and not allowing the economy to grow)
It isn't a myth that it happened over 14 years of Labour government. While the global recession isn't directly Labours fault the over spending was and that is now part of the problem here in this country. [/quote]
Labour's spending only became unsustainable once the recession had taken hold. For the first 6 year of their governance Britain was running a budgetary surplus. For the next 4 the figures were comparable to the Tories from 1990 onwards and lower than most European countries. If you think that public sector spending was more culpable than neo-liberalism then you really have bought the tory line.[/quote]
While I don't know where you got your figures from they should have reduced spending as soon as it became unsustainable instead of spending money the country didn't have. Incompetence springs to mind but they had to keep their voters happy in public sector jobs the country couldn't afford so they would be voted back in.
I haven't bought any ones line and have voted Labour in the past but when something is wrong I can see it. I have already said I would not cut the Police.
I don't trust any of them which ever party they are from but Public spending has to be brought down and who ever was in power and making those decisions will get slagged off.
Tell me what did Labour get wrong in your view when they were in power. No need to mention the overspending, uncontrolled mass immigration, benefits system which made work not worth it for many, British banking collapse and the Iraq war.
There all cunts all out to self indulge , fuck me and thee ! If they lose 6000 rozzers , I just wish it was done in 1999 ! -I got a 10 yr ban from Football .The old bill wasted so so much money filming me I thought I would start to get asked for my autograph. I know for certain they had a large photo of my boat race on the wall of Nottm Football Intelligence Unit........what a waste of time and money! C U N T S .
"I live for myself and answer to no one." ~ Steve McQueen. " I wear what I like and I like what I wear." ~ Adam. " It's always been just part of the culture. Growing up, for most working-class kids, is all about football, music and clothes. You might not have much money, but whatever you have got, you're going to look good." ~ Weller.
Quote: Victorinox wrote in post #21A Tory, blaming Labour for their own wrong doing.... Well i never!
Getting slightly old now isn't it?
You want to have a look at how fucked the country was in early to mid 90's, NHS (Just like the hospitals) crumbling, massive unemployment. Also want to look at all the good Labour did, The National Minimum Wage Act 1998 for one... Now imagine if that wasn't in now with the double dip recession? (First recession being due to global wrong doing and the second due to Tories cutting too fast and not allowing the economy to grow)
So it is the Tories fault for all this You are kidding yourself, how about biggest corporate loses in history, biggest boom and bust in history, biggest spending deficit in history, Iraq war on a lie, biggest immigration in history and PFI was another one that's still costing the tax payer millions. Sure they did some good as do all of them and the early years were good but the last ones weren't were they and that is the fall out we are all stuck with. The Tories will cut more and faster but it has to be done you must see this and realize it.
Look at the German economy they have been underspending for decades and are now better off because the politicians there don't bring things in to stay in power they do it for the good of the country.