[b]Class comedian or complete prick ? Again he's made very close to the knuckle comments / jokes , this time about Paralympics , many other occasions I've heard him make jokes that are very squeemish , one about dead soldiers in Afganistan with punch-line ' Should have gone to spec savers ' really boiled my blood .. I fucking hate the cunt , and would happily pound his skull , but where comedy is concerned are there boundaries ? Some may liken him to Chubby Brown who was very crass , Bernard Manning a comedian regarded as Rascist ... Where does the line get drawn ? ?
He was actually quite funny on Mock the Week at the start. I think he started to live up to the 'shock' tag and just started making retarded comments. I can't stand him now.
Quote: Rhys wrote in post #2He was actually quite funny on Mock the Week at the start. I think he started to live up to the 'shock' tag and just started making retarded comments. I can't stand him now.
I'm totally against censorship. If the price of democracy is Boyle making jokes at the expense of the handicapped then so be it. Personally, I just change the channel.
Quote: xmal wrote in post #11I'm totally against censorship. If the price of democracy is Boyle making jokes at the expense of the handicapped then so be it. Personally, I just change the channel.
Limits are different for everyone...what i find acceptable might be totally unacceptable for others and vice versa.....boyle aint the funniest imo.....i dont like his style really but he has come away with a few funny bits n pieces in the past.
Quote: STEVECFC wrote in post #12really ? ^ , that goes for rascism too yes ? , your view is any subject can be made a joke of ? gays / disabled / dead soldiers ?
Quote: Dempsey wrote in post #14Lowest form of comedy making jokes about disabled people and dead soldiers,the man if that's what you can call him is a prick
and yet he got a disabled comedian to support him on tour and has a pretty decent record on disability rights. The man may be a bit of a prick but some people get far too po faced about his style of comedy.
Quote: STEVECFC wrote in post #19Boyles joke - Three Soldiers killed in Hellmund Provence today , all 3 walked onto landmines .. ' should have gone to spec savers '
If you find that funny , or I am po faced because I dont then so be it .. I find him repulsive ..
thats a crap joke thats just make to shock and offend with very little thought gone into it.
I don't see the funny side in that at all.
the best comedians can make even an everyday situation hilariouss by the way they tell the joke and wouldn't need to resort to these tactics.
Quote: STEVECFC wrote in post #19Boyles joke - Three Soldiers killed in Hellmund Provence today , all 3 walked onto landmines .. ' should have gone to spec savers '
If you find that funny , or I am po faced because I dont then so be it .. I find him repulsive ..
I dont think that was the joke ? it was along the lines of sky would start puting adverts inbetween news headlines , then he came away with the line ,
I dont see why people can be offended by his jokes , change the channel , uk is full of people just waiting to be outraged by fucking anything , I did 3 tours of Iraq , watched mates lose limbs , I could tell you 99% of squaddies could not give a fuck what he says , but there is plenty of people standing by to be outraged on their behalf.
I saw the programme with the joke .. I did 4 tours of Ireland , lost a lot of my mates whilst in the Paras , if you seriously can state 99% wouldn't care , utter fucking horseshit ! My time in the forces that kinda shit just doesn't work , I'm not that easily offended , but find the bile he pours out to not be funny , just to far over the edge ..