Moving house next week gents..where's the best place to pick some up from?had a look at Argos at the £15 one's..but the reviews are saying they're not strong enough for a lot of clothes and break easily e.c.t..can anyone recommend any decent one's? cheers.
Dunelm Mill. what i have, hard as fuck they are!
I can only confirm how useless the Argos ones are. Not fit for purpose.
Have an Ikea one coming tomorrow which seemed sturdy enough in store. Will be on the look out for another soon though
argos ones are last
I got a Habitat Alexis one, and can confirm they are strong and don't bend, even with some severe load on them
John Lewis ones: but collapse and very strong, yes the Argos ones are rubbish.
Rock solid, and they deliver.
Was in ikea saturday and they had a range of them, more you pay the better the quality !!
Quote: Fatbob wrote in post #9Rock solid, and they deliver.
I managed to get 2 antique gym stands A frames and.put some expensive wood pole through. Looks great and unusual