Quote: Leonard Osbourne wrote in post #2It died years ago..unfortunately Tony fucking Blair is still breathing and his cunt of a wife Btw who is this cunt ?
Amen mate.
"The nightmares invading the sleep of Bayern fans involve four horsemen of the Champions League Apocalypse riding towards them. As the faces come into focus, they will recognise Frank Lampard, Cole, Petr Cech and Drogba. All were immense..."
24 people every minute joined since he become leader. People flooding back in to revitalise what has always been the mass workers party in Britain. Good for voters to have an actual choice instead of a slightly watered down version of the Tories.
Quote: nothavinit wrote in post #724 people every minute joined since he become leader. People flooding back in to revitalise what has always been the mass workers party in Britain. Good for voters to have an actual choice instead of a slightly watered down version of the Tories.
You can pack out a football stadium every week but if your teams shit its a nonentity!
Corbyn said the current discourse around the issue "fails to recognise the huge contribution migrants have made to this country". He added: "We should let people into this country who are desperate to get somewhere safe to live".
So comrade nothavinit, tell me where these migrants have made a contribution?
Thing is opinion polls show the majority want nationalised energy, railways, an end to privatisation of the NHS.
Net contribution is something like £20bn. Immigrants seeking a better a life aren't the problem. The tiny class of parasites at the top living off the rest of us and concentrating all the wealth in their hands are.
Quote: nothavinit wrote in post #9Thing is opinion polls show the majority want nationalised energy, railways, an end to privatisation of the NHS.
Net contribution is something like £20bn. Immigrants seeking a better a life aren't the problem. The tiny class of parasites at the top living off the rest of us and concentrating all the wealth in their hands are.
Are you a politician, you've avoided the question!
"So comrade nothavinit, tell me where these migrants have made a contribution?"
'Behave most of the migrants coming over here already have jobs in their own country, they just want to come over here and bleed our system dry. ' Any proof of that?
It wasn't my Labour government. Labour has been controlled by Tories for 30-years.
The richest 1% control the majority of the wealth. They don't work, they live off the labour of the rest of us. It's a colossal waste.
Big business tax avoidance is 15 times greater than benefit fraud. Why are you not bothered about that? £16bn in benefits go unclaimed. £1.2bn is lost to benefit fraud. Lazy people claiming benefits with no intention of working anger me too - I've never claimed benefits in my life - but there needs to be some perspective. They are a tiny minority and a tiny % of the welfare budget. They are certainly not the cause of the economic crisis.
Corbyn is not a revolutionary by any means. He's a left-reformist and that's his problem. He wants to print money to fund his policies rather than nationalise the big companies under workers' control.
Quote: nothavinit wrote in post #15'Behave most of the migrants coming over here already have jobs in their own country, they just want to come over here and bleed our system dry. ' Any proof of that?
Yes, I manage an engineering company and regularly interview migrants, when you read through their CV's they have left their current employment to seek work over here. It's not just me, speaking with other companies its the same story.
Corbyn is dangerous, he says he speaks for the working man, yet was born into a life of luxury and wealth, he knows nothing of the people he has chosen to represent!
How can you trust a man when his friends include, hate preachers, that split arse from Argentina, Brand, Livingston, Diane Abbot and don't get me started on these two!
I'm not assed about how he looks. who he sat at a table with or even his upbringing, it's the policies/class interests they represent that matters. Corbyn is more on the side of the unions/workers than the bosses and bankers. I don't know anything about his background but I do know he is a respected long-serving MP, and he doesn't claim expenses like most of them. Regardless, it's the policies I like. A politician that dares to move away from the 'moderate centre' ground which in reality is firmly right-wing.
Quote: nothavinit wrote in post #18I'm not assed about how he looks. who he sat at a table with or even his upbringing, it's the policies/class interests they represent that matters. Corbyn is more on the side of the unions/workers than the bosses and bankers. I don't know anything about his background but I do know he is a respected long-serving MP, and he doesn't claim expenses like most of them. Regardless, it's the policies I like. A politician that dares to move away from the 'moderate centre' ground which in reality is firmly right-wing.
That's the thing with you lot.. Any cunt that mentions immigration, race, etc your a right wing nut job no middle ground your all mental
Quote: soul_stylist wrote in post #20Spot the daily mail reader...
Good educated response that.
My favourite quote though: 'I interview Migrants' - as if that gives you some kind of moral high ground to then slate Corbyns view of helping refugees or welcoming people into the country that need genuine help.
Your points are obviously centred around 'migrants' coming to the country, like most morons who read the right wing gutter press and lap it up to spew out in the mess room at work.
Quote: soul_stylist wrote in post #20Spot the daily mail reader...
Good educated response that.
My favourite quote though: 'I interview Migrants' - as if that gives you some kind of moral high ground to then slate Corbyns view of helping refugees or welcoming people into the country that need genuine help.
Your points are obviously centred around 'migrants' coming to the country, like most morons who read the right wing gutter press and lap it up to spew out in the mess room at work.
Quote: soul_stylist wrote in post #20Spot the daily mail reader...
Good educated response that.
My favourite quote though: 'I interview Migrants' - as if that gives you some kind of moral high ground to then slate Corbyns view of helping refugees or welcoming people into the country that need genuine help.
Your points are obviously centred around 'migrants' coming to the country, like most morons who read the right wing gutter press and lap it up to spew out in the mess room at work.
Bore off!
If you can't handle being pulled up over bullshit threads like this one, and then being called out without being able to offer any kind of reasoned response other than a GIF and a very novel 'bore off' then don't start them, because you make yourself look like an absolute knob.