Zitat von David.Watts The EDL Wands and the Muslim Wands who go around burning poppys are just two sides of the same coin.
None of them exactly garner a ground swell of popular opinion and encouragement do they.
Yeah they probably are, but all im saying is i agree with the reasons why it was all first started up (if i was right in thinking it was because of the thing in Luton) and i dont see how anyone could be against that. Yes people might hate the way its gone, the leaders and alot that attend the demos but why should people just sit back and take things like what happened in Luton without doing anything?
And has it all stopped now that the EDL have marched up a few streets? What exactly have they done of any use at all? They have done something that is totally ineffectual at least, or worse created an example for people who oppose such things to use as an example. They have effectively created a stick for bleeding heart Liberals to use against normal people who are all to aware of the problems. It doesn't need a bunch of Chavvy no-marks to make that noticeable and has probably alienated a lot of people who wouldn't now do anything as to be associated with this lot.
Zitat von David.Watts The EDL Wands and the Muslim Wands who go around burning poppys are just two sides of the same coin.
None of them exactly garner a ground swell of popular opinion and encouragement do they.
Yeah they probably are, but all im saying is i agree with the reasons why it was all first started up (if i was right in thinking it was because of the thing in Luton) and i dont see how anyone could be against that. Yes people might hate the way its gone, the leaders and alot that attend the demos but why should people just sit back and take things like what happened in Luton without doing anything?
I understand what you are trying to say but forming an extremist group to march against another extremist group is a bit pathetic and won't solve anything. Plus, marching in towns with big Asian populations and then abusing any Asian you see, who incidentally might be as disgusted as you are by muslim extremists, is the behaviour of small-minded simpletons.
If anyone actually thinks that they are going to grow and grow and actually do something, they are wrong. Your average family won't go to this protest, its just people who haven't got a clue, people who look for a fight and some football lads looking for a good day out. But then there are also others who are just interested and want to see what it is about.
And Wolves88, you seem to talk sense mate. I don't believe every single person that goes to a EDL demo is a racist, some are, some won't be. Although the only ones that get put on TV are obviously going to be the idiotic or racist ones.
Zitat von Leicester_LoyalIf anyone actually thinks that they are going to grow and grow and actually do something, they are wrong. Your average family won't go to this protest, its just people who haven't got a clue, people who look for a fight and some football lads looking for a good day out.
Nooooo! Honestly? Your yanking me' chain aren't you? And there was me thinking EDL marches were second on the list to Alton Towers for a family day out!
Well you keep going on like they are actually making a difference to the rest of us? There doing nothing but stopping us shopping on a Saturday. The attention is what they want, and your giving it to them.
Zitat von Leicester_LoyalWell you keep going on like they are actually making a difference to the rest of us? There doing nothing but stopping us shopping on a Saturday. The attention is what they want, and your giving it to them.
Pray tell, how many EDL members are also members of OH then? Because the last time I looked this was a closed forum. So has quite a limited scope for their attention does it not?
Zitat von David.Watts And has it all stopped now that the EDL have marched up a few streets? What exactly have they done of any use at all? They have done something that is totally ineffectual at least, or worse created an example for people who oppose such things to use as an example. They have effectively created a stick for bleeding heart Liberals to use against normal people who are all to aware of the problems. It doesn't need a bunch of Chavvy no-marks to make that noticeable and has probably alienated a lot of people who wouldn't now do anything as to be associated with this lot.
Zitat von Vasque I understand what you are trying to say but forming an extremist group to march against another extremist group is a bit pathetic and won't solve anything. Plus, marching in towns with big Asian populations and then abusing any Asian you see, who incidentally might be as disgusted as you are by muslim extremists, is the behaviour of small-minded simpletons.
Agree with both of you on the fact that it hasnt stopped now that the edl has formed and it probably wont make any difference what so ever and that it has gone in the wrong direction. But surely you agree that something needed to be said about what was happening and really what other things could be done other than to protest against it? No matter who its set up by any kind of protests around this subject are always going to attract the same kind of people and as i said before there is nothing you can really do to prevent that.
I'm not having ago mate, but once the novelty wears out, these people will get bored. A lot don't know why they are there protesting, the leaders keep changing their opinions, every protest ends up in violence, etc. The only way they will go is down.
PS. I know we are kinda on the same wavelength, but to me I think its best just to leave them be, because they show themselves up, we don't have to do it for them.
Like a tree getting angry about an apple. Leave them be, they're idiots, and show themselves up as such protesting against the servants of the state, rather than the state itself.
One interesting point to make - notice one of Anjem Choudy's lot was Abdul Aziz Myatt? Formerly David Myatt of Combat-18 fame. Someone who I should imagine a lot of the lads in the EDL served under in the past.
Shows how the ugly face of extremism, whichever the direction of its gaze, always presents the same grimace.
Instead of having street protests to draw attention to their cause why not burn a copy of the Koran instead of a couple of poppies. Or they could have a violent demonstration in the middle of London. Daub graffitti on some old buildings, smash windows, swing from flags on War memorials and piss on them. How about throw a fire extinguisher off a rooftop, yeah come on get off your arse's, instead off moaning on some messageboards let's have a proper protest.
Tone - I have to say that those student/cuts protests were hijacked by a small extreme splinter group. The overall movement is well organised and very creative. have you seen the actions being done in banks? Our banks owned by tax payers? taken over as creches, libraries, classrooms - brilliant.
Zitat von AnchorTone - I have to say that those student/cuts protests were hijacked by a small extreme splinter group. The overall movement is well organised and very creative. have you seen the actions being done in banks? Our banks owned by tax payers? taken over as creches, libraries, classrooms - brilliant.
If you copy and paste the first couple of lines from your post and change student/cuts with EDL do you not arrive at the same finishing post.
I'm not defending or condoning anyone, it's easy for people to jump on a thread and slate folks off beacause 'you've read it in the tabloid's or seen it on the tv' There's good, bad and fucking idiot's on both side's, don't you agree?
Well in a word no. I see what the edl do as immoral and what Ukuncut do as moral there taking action against an outdated political system that will only continue to make poor people poorer. They are not racist, mindless bigots. They have an actual cause.
The vast majority are peaceful but the media will only report on the reactionary elements.
Nothing about the old bill maceing innocent legal protesters in the red tops, or the broadsheets for that matter.
Zitat von AnchorTone - I have to say that those student/cuts protests were hijacked by a small extreme splinter group. The overall movement is well organised and very creative. have you seen the actions being done in banks? Our banks owned by tax payers? taken over as creches, libraries, classrooms - brilliant.
Shh-chow-dents - "Well organised and very creative." ????
Zitat von AnchorTone - I have to say that those student/cuts protests were hijacked by a small extreme splinter group. The overall movement is well organised and very creative. have you seen the actions being done in banks? Our banks owned by tax payers? taken over as creches, libraries, classrooms - brilliant.
Shh-chow-dents - "Well organised and very creative." ????
Me no think so!!!!
You know fuck all - and as I said on the phone I wont hear a bad word against UKuncut - it's not all students either. Do your home work eh sunshine. Remenber it's a long way down!
Zitat von AnchorWell in a word no. I see what the edl do as immoral and what Ukuncut do as moral there taking action against an outdated political system that will only continue to make poor people poorer. They are not racist, mindless bigots. They have an actual cause.
The vast majority are peaceful but the media will only report on the reactionary elements.
Nothing about the old bill maceing innocent legal protesters in the red tops, or the broadsheets for that matter.
But the edl had an actual cause when they started as well, yeah it might have gone in the wrong direction now but saying everyone that goes on the demos is a racist is the same as saying everyone that goes on the demos your refering to are only there to riot, both are going to attract bad elements and as ive said theres nothing you can do about that. And as for the things about the media only reporting on the reactionary elements thats exactly the same as any other protests.
Zitat von AnchorWell in a word no. I see what the edl do as immoral and what Ukuncut do as moral there taking action against an outdated political system that will only continue to make poor people poorer. They are not racist, mindless bigots. They have an actual cause.
The vast majority are peaceful but the media will only report on the reactionary elements.
Nothing about the old bill maceing innocent legal protesters in the red tops, or the broadsheets for that matter.
But you don't have to be a racist to be a part of the EDL. Neither do you have to be an anarchist to be a part of the student protest's.
How many of the student's who were on the protest have actually got a job and pay their dues into a system they despise. I'm also gonna bet my bollock's there's a least one of those twat's who smashed up the bank will one day be working in one......after being put through university with Mommy and Daddy's money.
As for the cut's Dan, why are we in a position where we have to make them.
Zitat von AnchorWell in a word no. I see what the edl do as immoral and what Ukuncut do as moral there taking action against an outdated political system that will only continue to make poor people poorer. They are not racist, mindless bigots. They have an actual cause.
The vast majority are peaceful but the media will only report on the reactionary elements.
Nothing about the old bill maceing innocent legal protesters in the red tops, or the broadsheets for that matter.
But you don't have to be a racist to be a part of the EDL. Neither do you have to be an anarchist to be a part of the student protest's.
How many of the student's who were on the protest have actually got a job and pay their dues into a system they despise. I'm also gonna bet my bollock's there's a least one of those twat's who smashed up the bank will one day be working in one......after being put through university with Mommy and Daddy's money.
As for the cut's Dan, why are we in a position where we have to make them.
I don't think the students protesting do 'despise' the system, i think they resent that those who run it (the same people who want to see pay freezes/cuts to nurses, firemen etc) benefitted from free higher education and are now pulling the rug from under them. Their parents have nothing to do with it IMO, should education only be the preserve of the wealthy? Would you want your kids to go int +30ks worth of debt whilst trying to better themselves? the university system isn't perfect but it's the best tool for social mobility in this country and fair play a lot of the students had daft hair and shite clothes but I don't think they should be so easily dismissed especially not when many of those arrested were in no way connected to the NUS and its affiliates.
Re: cuts. IMO we're in this position because of tory ideology, and the break down of the international banking system. Whilst the Labour party's actions pre 2008 didn't help I think they acted pretty well after the bubb;e burst to prevent the total collapse of britains economy.