What about that so called scetch show cunt Corben did with that cunt Horne? I'd rather flattern my bellend with a mallet than watch a half hour show of that utter fucking shite....pair of unfunny try hard wannabe cunts !
In that case the fucking BBC send me into nuclear meltdown for employing unfunny cunts like Corden and Howe along with plenty of other unfunny cunts. Like fucking Miranda as well. If we can have birds comedy can we have blokes fucking comedy? Whats that? No we can't? Why? Oh 'cos TV is populated by frustrated fucking middle aged women who are not happy and are only interested in getting some cock of the young runner she's just employed but he's stringing her along 'cos he thinks a career in TV is gonna be ace when in reality it's fucking shite. Cunts.
And channel four for that abortion of a comedy show - the John Bishop show, and the cunt nicked a sketch of me - fact! Cunts.
I am absolutly apoplectic with rage at this cunt. he's writing a blog about things that boil his piss - and frankly that BOILS MY PISS. get a fucking life you dullard.
[quote="Anchor"]I am absolutly apoplectic with rage at this cunt. he's writing a blog about things that boil his piss - and frankly that BOILS MY PISS. get a fucking life you dullard.
[quote="sauzee88"]finding a hole on your favourite jacket....it's the size of a matchstick head right on the cuff (looks like the cuff has split slightly due to wear & tear) but I can't take my eye of it. Already emailed a tailor for a quote, seriously pissed off. [/quote]
On a brighter note the tailor fixed the cuff for nowt. Happy days.
Back to the thread: the cuff will eventually split again and James Corden is still a cunt.
OHH MY PISS IS BOILING just got in from work,got a beer,sat down and put the telly on !!!! Dickinsons Real Deal aaaaaaagggghhh what a fucking orange cunt...fuck off .
That looks like some cunting shite that would make NZ prime time tv,ex Brookside& Where the heart is dog ends !!!!that will make my piss boil in about eight years time !
Fuckin arsey cunts in hotels. Fuck you dicksplash I've paid to stay here so treat me with a bit of respect and don't give me your arsey attitude. I don't give a flying fuck if your cat died this morning I want a fucking smile and a cheery lilt in your voice when you talk to me not sounding like you wish I would just fuck off and stop bothering you.
I'm not really sure of all this pressure, I'm never gonna lose any of my old letters, 'Cause they'll stay with me, Until I can see that I'm no one
people comin into r shop thinkin were all stuck up cause we work in a designer shop! flannels has a lot to answer for creatin this stereotype the wankers cant count how many are shocked when i jus say alrite and let people get on wit it i dont wanna serve use twenty times i dont think your gonna rob us jus buy your gear im like YOUUUUUUUU HA
When you go for a shit at work and you just want a nice 20 mins playing angry birds or nipping on facebook to have a look at the lass from the floor below's holiday snaps and some cunt comes in - bearing in mind you're the only one in there and there's 4 other cubicles free meaning he could put 3 cubicles between yourself and himself - and he chooses the one next to you and then has shit like he's giving birth to fucking triplets or summt, complete with heaving breathing and maybe even an 'oooh dear ahhh' in there. Then doesn't even wash his hands.
Fucking sruffy, completely unaware of surroundings ballbags. Catch the fucking plague please and leave the rest of us to shit in peace.