OK LADS....... thank you to all the lads i`ve got on with on here been a real experience but learnt now what i had to learn so thanks to you all ......... admin 1 thing you really might wanna pick up on tho is the other forum thing your close knit but get it tighter as it will become something you dont want it to be .... yes part of why i am leaving but hey ho not much input from me possotive wise as there could be ..... but just wanna thank you for the last few months of enjoyment CHEERS THOM, JA, JONAH !!! WISH ALL THE MODS THE BEST AND GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL CARL...... PS..... PLEASE KEEP ME DOOR OPEN THOUGH FOR A GOOD WHILE
not pushed off pissed off same old shit Rhys will sort yer feedback m8... thanks fella and for all the other forum lovers... clueless.... 1 track minded stick on em` yer lettin a good forum go down like found did years ago SOMEONELSE !! Worth a mention thanks for the offer and the info wish you all the best soz i didnt take the offer up OK ME LIST SOZ IF I MISS ANYONE SAID THANKS TO MODS AND ADMIN GELSE..... Thanks wish yer the best fella Vasque..... Get em clued, get the lama out boy oh btw andy...... you on cc MERSON.... Lot learnt from you fella cheers good style Mr Individual.... Cracking lad well in thanks for the adult approach RV-LEFT-FOOT.... David wish you all the best chap top bloke BEZZ.... CUNT ... Just a younger me MR.WATTS.... Stu thanks for the help m8 really appreicated it all wish ya the best fella Anchor..... DAN YER A CUNT NOTE THE CAPS UncleVileAlbert...... see you in a few seasons wish you all the best m8 keep going chap Flemo...... Heart of gold !! anyone else i`ve had dealings with thanks alot wish you lads all the best ........ but like i say i get out whilst the goings good and not completly gone down the pan i look at the bigger picture always do always will thanks though lads !!! u all THOM TY BIG HUG FELLA OH BTW HUS THIS HITTING A PUNCHBALL OR SHOUL I SAY OTHER FORUMS GOTTA LEAVE IT BEFORE I DEPART
I'm sure Carl will stay a little while longer. And despite being a little worse for wear last night the points he made were quite pertinent. And shouldn't be dismissed as drunken ramblings.
Zitat von David.Watts I'm sure Carl will stay a little while longer. And despite being a little worse for wear last night the points he made were quite pertinent. And shouldn't be dismissed as drunken ramblings.
i dont think they where pertinent at all the OP didnt intend to stir things up with his comment and neither did ross the rest was just thread dissecting bickering.... all these osti-found comments are whats ruining the forum and its stopping osti/found members contributing surley you can see that stu ? daft thing is all the posts about offhand on osti are positive
Zitat von ForQueenAndCountrySome people take these forums far to seriously.
indeed but its there choice just seen your comments on the vans thread...... there unnecessary ross and its doing nowt for cross forum harmony (if you don't have anything nice to say) bambi 1942
Zitat von David.Watts I'm sure Carl will stay a little while longer. And despite being a little worse for wear last night the points he made were quite pertinent. And shouldn't be dismissed as drunken ramblings.
i dont think they where pertinent at all the OP didnt intend to stir things up with his comment and neither did ross the rest was just thread dissecting bickering.... all these osti-found comments are whats ruining the forum and its stopping osti/found members contributing surley you can see that stu ? daft thing is all the posts about offhand on osti are positive
There is a deeper undercurrent that is the issue not solely the posts that Carl attached his arguments to. And it is more a more widespread belief than you may realise. And I know I'm not daft enough to broach them in open debate!
Zitat von ForQueenAndCountrySome people take these forums far to seriously.
indeed but its there choice just seen your comments on the vans thread...... there unnecessary ross and its doing nowt for cross forum harmony (if you don't have anything nice to say) bambi 1942
Zitat von David.Watts I'm sure Carl will stay a little while longer. And despite being a little worse for wear last night the points he made were quite pertinent. And shouldn't be dismissed as drunken ramblings.
i dont think they where pertinent at all the OP didnt intend to stir things up with his comment and neither did ross the rest was just thread dissecting bickering.... all these osti-found comments are whats ruining the forum and its stopping osti/found members contributing surley you can see that stu ? daft thing is all the posts about offhand on osti are positive
There is a deeper undercurrent that is the issue not solely the posts that Carl attached his arguments to. And it is more a more widespread belief than you may realise. And I know I'm not daft enough to broach them in open debate!
and theres 2 ways of looking at things stu perhaps we should all try and do that mate
Zitat von David.Watts I'm sure Carl will stay a little while longer. And despite being a little worse for wear last night the points he made were quite pertinent. And shouldn't be dismissed as drunken ramblings.
i dont think they where pertinent at all the OP didnt intend to stir things up with his comment and neither did ross the rest was just thread dissecting bickering.... all these osti-found comments are whats ruining the forum and its stopping osti/found members contributing surley you can see that stu ? daft thing is all the posts about offhand on osti are positive
There is a deeper undercurrent that is the issue not solely the posts that Carl attached his arguments to. And it is more a more widespread belief than you may realise. And I know I'm not daft enough to broach them in open debate!
and theres 2 ways of looking at things stu perhaps we should all try and do that mate
There most certainly is. And to allow people to be able to debate their views freely and without persecution on an open public platform is surely the best way to do this. And thus allow others to reach their own conclusions.
right was not even a drink related rant for the record but when you constantly see a few negative vibes.... ok i prehaps do jump in head first... i know its only a forum but when negative posts are consistantly thrown up i over look most but sometimes you just cant hold back and i could really pick up on a hell of alot more..... alot of people do speak to me through pm and some can really feel this negative vibe from under the surface as towards "the other forum thing" which i dont want to get involved in i dont know them, i dont want to know them, i have no intention of knowing them but if i was to join another forum i would not use some of the termanology some choose to use on OH.... some people even though are off other forums have spoke to me CC OSTI & OTHERS off late as i can tell em` a mile off mostly due to like i say the negativeness off there posts... still love hugo and someonelse though there just great....
"daft thing is all the posts about offhand on osti are positive" so why do memebers from osti post so negative here OK Ross caught the brunt of it but some others do the same it should be picked up on imo where as alot who i speak to including myself are getting very tiredsome off it ! between some of the members on here i question loyalty all the time with nearly (post count from members touching 14,000 in total) compared to few who frequent every so often to cause and often offend oh ermmmmm close to 1,000 posts between them all with negative vibes getting thrown out
Zitat von a-casual-zuluright was not even a drink related rant for the record but when you constantly see a few negative vibes.... ok i prehaps do jump in head first... i know its only a forum but when negative posts are consistantly thrown up i over look most but sometimes you just cant hold back and i could really pick up on a hell of alot more..... alot of people do speak to me through pm and some can really feel this negative vibe from under the surface as towards "the other forum thing" which i dont want to get involved in i dont know them, i dont want to know them, i have no intention of knowing them but if i was to join another forum i would not use some of the termanology some choose to use on OH.... some people even though are off other forums have spoke to me CC OSTI & OTHERS off late as i can tell em` a mile off mostly due to like i say the negativeness off there posts... still love hugo and someonelse though there just great....
"daft thing is all the posts about offhand on osti are positive" so why do memebers from osti post so negative here OK Ross caught the brunt of it but some others do the same it should be picked up on imo where as alot who i speak to including myself are getting very tiredsome off it ! between some of the members on here i question loyalty all the time with nearly (post count from members touching 14,000 in total) compared to few who frequent every so often to cause and often offend oh ermmmmm close to 1,000 posts between them all with negative vibes getting thrown out
Zitat von a-casual-zuluright was not even a drink related rant for the record but when you constantly see a few negative vibes.... ok i prehaps do jump in head first... i know its only a forum but when negative posts are consistantly thrown up i over look most but sometimes you just cant hold back and i could really pick up on a hell of alot more..... alot of people do speak to me through pm and some can really feel this negative vibe from under the surface as towards "the other forum thing" which i dont want to get involved in i dont know them, i dont want to know them, i have no intention of knowing them but if i was to join another forum i would not use some of the termanology some choose to use on OH.... some people even though are off other forums have spoke to me CC OSTI & OTHERS off late as i can tell em` a mile off mostly due to like i say the negativeness off there posts... still love hugo and someonelse though there just great....
"daft thing is all the posts about offhand on osti are positive" so why do memebers from osti post so negative here OK Ross caught the brunt of it but some others do the same it should be picked up on imo where as alot who i speak to including myself are getting very tiredsome off it ! between some of the members on here i question loyalty all the time with nearly (post count from members touching 14,000 in total) compared to few who frequent every so often to cause and often offend oh ermmmmm close to 1,000 posts between them all with negative vibes getting thrown out
so your back then....
the engine will tick over but not run like it should
Zitat von a-casual-zuluright was not even a drink related rant for the record but when you constantly see a few negative vibes.... ok i prehaps do jump in head first... i know its only a forum but when negative posts are consistantly thrown up i over look most but sometimes you just cant hold back and i could really pick up on a hell of alot more..... alot of people do speak to me through pm and some can really feel this negative vibe from under the surface as towards "the other forum thing" which i dont want to get involved in i dont know them, i dont want to know them, i have no intention of knowing them but if i was to join another forum i would not use some of the termanology some choose to use on OH.... some people even though are off other forums have spoke to me CC OSTI & OTHERS off late as i can tell em` a mile off mostly due to like i say the negativeness off there posts... still love hugo and someonelse though there just great....
"daft thing is all the posts about offhand on osti are positive" so why do memebers from osti post so negative here OK Ross caught the brunt of it but some others do the same it should be picked up on imo where as alot who i speak to including myself are getting very tiredsome off it ! between some of the members on here i question loyalty all the time with nearly (post count from members touching 14,000 in total) compared to few who frequent every so often to cause and often offend oh ermmmmm close to 1,000 posts between them all with negative vibes getting thrown out
so your back then....
the engine will tick over but not run like it should
Don't you go anywhere Carl. You are a valued member on here and this place would be worse not having you around.
Zitat von a-casual-zuluright was not even a drink related rant for the record but when you constantly see a few negative vibes.... ok i prehaps do jump in head first... i know its only a forum but when negative posts are consistantly thrown up i over look most but sometimes you just cant hold back and i could really pick up on a hell of alot more..... alot of people do speak to me through pm and some can really feel this negative vibe from under the surface as towards "the other forum thing" which i dont want to get involved in i dont know them, i dont want to know them, i have no intention of knowing them but if i was to join another forum i would not use some of the termanology some choose to use on OH.... some people even though are off other forums have spoke to me CC OSTI & OTHERS off late as i can tell em` a mile off mostly due to like i say the negativeness off there posts... still love hugo and someonelse though there just great....
"daft thing is all the posts about offhand on osti are positive" so why do memebers from osti post so negative here OK Ross caught the brunt of it but some others do the same it should be picked up on imo where as alot who i speak to including myself are getting very tiredsome off it ! between some of the members on here i question loyalty all the time with nearly (post count from members touching 14,000 in total) compared to few who frequent every so often to cause and often offend oh ermmmmm close to 1,000 posts between them all with negative vibes getting thrown out
so your back then....
the engine will tick over but not run like it should
Don't you go anywhere Carl. You are a valued member on here and this place would be worse not having you around.
valued.... ??? no one is valued at present imo unless of course you make slanderous remarks about others atire worse without me....??? no chance mate like an employment agency one out the door another 1 in