Quote by UncleAlbert I believe in the right to protest. I don't believe in the right to publicly celebrate the slaughter of thousands of innocent people.
Excellent statement that I completely agree with. I do think though that half the reason these protests are allowed to go ahead is like I said for the benefit of negative publicity. Even the most Liberal Left Winger would agree that to protest on that day outside the American Embassy is despicable.[/quote]
possibly mate but part of me thinks that there has been plenty of negative publicity prior to now and I would have thought that the right thinking people of the country would prefer it dealt with now, rather than have to read/watch it time and again. More to the point, I also think it's not helping the thousands of right thinking muslims in the country to have these muppets continually in the news as they are/will end up being 'linked' as a representation of their community.
"The nightmares invading the sleep of Bayern fans involve four horsemen of the Champions League Apocalypse riding towards them. As the faces come into focus, they will recognise Frank Lampard, Cole, Petr Cech and Drogba. All were immense..."
Quote by Wxm1872They're just a minority, the police are now particularly afraid of using any force after a few controversies etc. I'd still rather live in the UK than say, Africa. Perspective.
But if football fans was to burn a flag outside a football ground we all know the OB would kick fuck out of them ,why are these scum treated different . I thought it was against the law to light a fire in a public place ?
It is a racist comment as to be Muslim does not mean you are from another country. Muslims are not a race they are a religion, same as saying all Catholics are Italian. Listen to yourself, you sound like Alf Garnett. How could you send someone back if they were born in Britain?
Quote by UncleAlbertIt is a racist comment as to be Muslim does not mean you are from another country. Muslims are not a race they are a religion, same as saying all Catholics are Italian. Listen to yourself, you sound like Alf Garnett. How could you send someone back if they were born in Britain?
.... For instance Abdul Aziz Myatt. Although I don't think he's into it anymore. He's probably a black supremacist these days
Quote by UncleAlbertIt is a racist comment as to be Muslim does not mean you are from another country. Muslims are not a race they are a religion, same as saying all Catholics are Italian. Listen to yourself, you sound like Alf Garnett. How could you send someone back if they were born in Britain?
Well if they was born here they should be even more ashamed of themselfs ,by the way where do you live just for the record i bet its not in Tower Hamlets or your view might be different .I also dont hate all muslims just these nasty cunts and its not about the colour of their skin the soppy white cunts that are witth them aswell are even worse imo
Quote by UncleAlbertDon't turn this into a racist argument. The people who were campaigning for the Muslims against Crusades were using their right to protest which even though I am opposed to them they are entitled to. Likewise the EDF were using their right to protest. I think both groups are idiots but the publicity they receive is always negative and helps to show what idiotic views and individuals these two groups have. In 50 years time we may have a Muslim Prime Minister. As long as he/she is for the good of the country so what if they are Muslim,Christian,Buddhist or whatever. The majority of Muslims are happy to live day to day in our country but it is the vocal minority that tarnish those.
Im not turning into a racist argument ,sorry if i have upset a few tree huggers but these extremist cunts boil my blood they should be fucked off back to there own country if they dont like it here .When you choose to live in another country you live by their laws and rules not your own rules cheeky cunts
Tree huggers? You are embarrassing yourself. You tarred all Muslim with the extremist brush.
I dislike all extremists regardless of their colour or creed. However, when you say they should be fucked off back to their own country, what do you suggest should happen to those who are British born? Your argument is flawed.
Quote by UncleAlbertIt is a racist comment as to be Muslim does not mean you are from another country. Muslims are not a race they are a religion, same as saying all Catholics are Italian. Listen to yourself, you sound like Alf Garnett. How could you send someone back if they were born in Britain?
Well if they was born here they should be even more ashamed of themselfs ,by the way where do you live just for the record i bet its not in Tower Hamlets or your view might be different .I also dont hate all muslims just these nasty cunts and its not about the colour of their skin the soppy white cunts that are witth them aswell are even worse imo
For the record mate I live in Birmingham. I have lived here all my life in one of the country's most multi cultural cities. The most racist people I have ever met are those from predominantly white areas where they have had little or no interaction with any other racial background. Where are you from then? I agree with you that they should be ashamed of themselves but wherever they are from they should all be ashamed. Their views and actions are as I said before in my opinion despicable.
The ones that are born here bang the cunts up in prison imo ,im fed up with do gooders defending these cunts thats why the country is going to pot . I see so many of you trying to knock what im saying but do you live in an area thats been taken over by outsiders ?
I've seen no one defending the actions of the people in the original post but when you make statements like 'send them all back' people are going to defend the ones that don't believe in the extremist views. Don't expect everyone to jump up and agree with you and wave our union jacks about in protest. Theres a lot of different cultures, races and nationalities on here that are going to have different views to you.
Quote by UncleAlbertIt is a racist comment as to be Muslim does not mean you are from another country. Muslims are not a race they are a religion, same as saying all Catholics are Italian. Listen to yourself, you sound like Alf Garnett. How could you send someone back if they were born in Britain?
Well if they was born here they should be even more ashamed of themselfs ,by the way where do you live just for the record i bet its not in Tower Hamlets or your view might be different .I also dont hate all muslims just these nasty cunts and its not about the colour of their skin the soppy white cunts that are witth them aswell are even worse imo
For the record mate I live in Birmingham. I have lived here all my life in one of the country's most multi cultural cities. The most racist people I have ever met are those from predominantly white areas where they have had little or no interaction with any other racial background. Where are you from then? I agree with you that they should be ashamed of themselves but wherever they are from they should all be ashamed. Their views and actions are as I said before in my opinion despicable.
I was born and bred in the east end of London so i can asure you i was brought up with different cultures ,but these cunts really fuck me off , most of these extremist are on benifits and milking the system at that .as for some of the posters above thinking im racist thats your view if thats what you think .
Who has defended them Pez? The reaction has been because of your send them back comment. And where do you live that has been taken over by outsiders? I live very close to Aston. When my Grandparents grew up there it was an English area. Then the Irish immigrants (one of which my Father in law ) moved into the area bringing with them their own culture,shops etc. Then in the 60's West Indian immigrants came to the area followed in the late 70's and 80's by the Pakistanis and Bangladesh immigrants who have also added their cultural ways to the area. Of recent years there has been a lot of Eastern Europeans especially Polish moving into the area. This is how Great Britain develops.
Quote by ryanI've seen no one defending the actions of the people in the original post but when you make statements like 'send them all back' people are going to defend the ones that don't believe in the extremist views. Don't expect everyone to jump up and agree with you and wave our union jacks about in protest. Theres a lot of different cultures, races and nationalities on here that are going to have different views to you.
The send them alll back was aimed at the extremist ,and if they were born here they should be even more ashamed of themselfs ,this country is fucked the EDL was treated a lot different on 9/11 to the fuckers burning the American flag why was that do you think ?
Quote by ryanI've seen no one defending the actions of the people in the original post but when you make statements like 'send them all back' people are going to defend the ones that don't believe in the extremist views. Don't expect everyone to jump up and agree with you and wave our union jacks about in protest. Theres a lot of different cultures, races and nationalities on here that are going to have different views to you.
The send them alll back was aimed at the extremist ,and if they were born here they should be even more ashamed of themselfs ,this country is fucked the EDL was treated a lot different on 9/11 to the fuckers burning the American flag why was that do you think ?
The police are all muslim extremists in support of the burning of the american flag?
Quote by BezzPezavez your opinions seem so silly in my opinion mate, abit too right wing.
So you think this goverment is doing the right thing on Immigration ?To many people are let into this country who add nothing to this land imo ,we should be more like the Aussie's at least to get there you need to prove you are going to add somthing to the country ,not ponce off the systym .
Quote by ryanI've seen no one defending the actions of the people in the original post but when you make statements like 'send them all back' people are going to defend the ones that don't believe in the extremist views. Don't expect everyone to jump up and agree with you and wave our union jacks about in protest. Theres a lot of different cultures, races and nationalities on here that are going to have different views to you.
The send them alll back was aimed at the extremist ,and if they were born here they should be even more ashamed of themselfs ,this country is fucked the EDL was treated a lot different on 9/11 to the fuckers burning the American flag why was that do you think ?
The police are all muslim extremists in support of the burning of the american flag?
Who is being stupid know ? my point was its seems they are scared of upsetting certain groups
Yes i agree some of 'them' do not add anything to this country, but then again, theres alot of white british people adding nothing to this country, on benefits etc.. and i would bet my next wage on it that there would be more white british people on benefits i.e adding nothing to the country then there are Asians.
You said something along the lines off 'fuck them off back to their country' presuming you meant the Asian folk who contribute nothing, what do you suggest we do with the millions of white british people who 'Add nothing'?
Quote by BezzYes i agree some of 'them' do not add anything to this country, but then again, theres alot of white british people adding nothing to this country, on benefits etc.. and i would bet my next wage on it that there would be more white british people on benefits i.e adding nothing to the country then there are Asians.
You said something along the lines off 'fuck them off back to their country' presuming you meant the Asian folk who contribute nothing, what do you suggest we do with the millions of white british people who 'Add nothing'?
So you think we should let people into this coutry and pay £400 a week rents for them because they dont work and then all the benifits and health care on top of that ?as for the brits that do nothing they are lazy cunts that are already living here so that fucks your point there Bezz