Our house is next to a local park/reserve, the council have decided to lock the gates to the park, personally I think that was a mistake as the majority that were using the park were keeping a safe distance, that is apart from a few, I'll not call them out for the fear of being called a racist Anyway, in closing the park people are still coming, the access to the reserve is still open via a short dirt track, they are parking their cars as close to this track as possible which is causing tension between local residents. Our street is a cul-de-sac and you cannot move for parked cars. Took the dog for a walk this morning and the road was littered with rubbish some of which include discarded masks and gloves? This virus is bringing out the best/worst in folk!
Quote: Tone wrote in post #303There's some right whopper's out there!
Our house is next to a local park/reserve, the council have decided to lock the gates to the park, personally I think that was a mistake as the majority that were using the park were keeping a safe distance, that is apart from a few, I'll not call them out for the fear of being called a racist Anyway, in closing the park people are still coming, the access to the reserve is still open via a short dirt track, they are parking their cars as close to this track as possible which is causing tension between local residents. Our street is a cul-de-sac and you cannot move for parked cars. Took the dog for a walk this morning and the road was littered with rubbish some of which include discarded masks and gloves? This virus is bringing out the best/worst in folk!
Quote: redmond wrote in post #315A step in the right direction
Can't come soon enough!, we've lost 8 at work..
Fucking hell M, what do you do?
Electricity T, so maybe an age profile thing? Not sure because one of those that's gone was 48, fit and healthy and seemed to be getting over it, until he collapsed at home, paramedics worked on him for 20 minutes outside his house with his Mrs and kid watching from an upstairs window, he was dead on arrival. Another one rumoured to have gone is from a place well known to Mr.O... We have had those recover though, one lady early 40's that was in an induced coma and on a ventilator has come out of intensive care, sadly though have just heard another chap has gone into intensive care and on a ventilator..
Quote: Tone wrote in post #321Sorry to hear that M, big company?
Yes mate, the 8 come from all depots, only one from my depot as such, however we all meet at training, re-authorisations, dealt with them in the past etc, so all are known to me. The chap that has just gone into intensive care i do know very well so have everything crossed for him. Luckily i'm field staff so have very little office contact and i only have to come into contact with one other work colleague on a daily basis and he's as nervous as me about it all. The other thing is i'm on the high voltage so am a few steps away from direct customer contact.